Healthcare Staffing
Case Study

Healthcare staffing suffers from a number of complexities far beyond typical staffing models. In North America, one of the biggest challenges was the management of the various certifications/credentials that healthcare professionals are required to have. Firms were often audited and required to prove that a particular Placement -- often in the past -- was properly credentialed at the time of employment. This meant a robust, auditable, and easy to use system for managing these credentials was critical to our success in this niche of staffing. We spent months talking to healthcare staffing firms to understand their common processes, needs, and pains, in order to create a comprehensive understanding of the problem. 

Mapping it out

The project started by interviewing a number of existing healthcare customers who suffered from the lack of functionality, as well as non-customer agencies that we tracked down.

As we interviewed, we mapped out the process step by step, identifying gaps, open questions, and major variations in the process.

With initial research complete, I ran a number of sessions with Dev & PM to flesh out the key user journeys, and understand where the most painful experience gaps were.



Collaborative Design

With the user journeys completed, I led the team through a number of design exercises to generate as many ideas as possible for how to tackle each problem. These were turned into lo-fi mocks and whittled down to an appropriate MVP.


Buildium: Lease Renewals Case Study


Interaction Design & Video